4 Unusual methods of dealing with back pain

If you are spending the majority of your time chained behind your desk at work and you don’t have enough spare time to take up some sport as a hobby, then you are probably having some back troubles as well. If you don’t have any back pain problems, then you are bound to have them in your near future, simply because of your posture and because your muscles aren’t active enough. I am going to share a few techniques on how to ease your pain or to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique is a therapy which helps people improve their posture, while they are sitting or walking and it also eliminates nasty habits like slouching for example, which can result in back pain, tension in muscles and problems with mobility.

The Alexander technique can be learned in private sessions or group classes. Usually a session is about 45 minutes long. During that time, the instructor takes notes of the way you carry yourself and guides you with verbal instruction.


Also known as “hypnosis,” hypnotherapy is what is referred to as a mind-body technique which includes entering a trance-like state or dream-like state of deep concentration and relaxation. While someone is in this trance state, it is believed that he or she is more open to suggestions. Because of this, hypnosis is commonly used to alter the behavior of an individual and it is believed that it can help with health problems (including chronic pain).

Some research results revealed that hypnosis can be used in order to treat low back pain. For example, a study which was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis discovered that a hypnosis program that lasts four sessions managed to reduce the intensity of the pain. In addition to that, it also improved the mood of the patients who suffered from chronic, low back pain. Personally, I think this is really awesome, but maybe someone is not completely on board with someone else messing with his or her brain.


This is a therapy which involves bathing in mineral or warm water and is one of the oldest therapies for pain relief. Dead Sea salts and other sulfur-containing baths are accessible in spas, online stores and health food centers. However, people with heart conditions are advised not to use balneotherapy unless under the supervision of their primary care provider.


Another mind-body practice called meditation has been found to increase pain threshold and aid those suffering from chronic pain. Unlike hypnosis, you do not need anyone to put you in a trance. This is a simple exercise that involves concentration, relaxation and steady breathing – using scented burning sticks and relaxing music can help you during meditation. Despite the fact that it’s not clear how meditation might help relieve pain, it is believed that it has an ability to induce physical and mental relaxation which may help keep chronic stress from aggravating chronic pain conditions.

These are some techniques that you can use if you have back problems and it can be a whole new experience for you, since these techniques are not a cliché at all. People with back troubles usually get a massage or do yoga but when all well-known techniques fail you, feel free to try out something new.


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